Tenant Engagement

4 Icons resembling togetherness and tenant involvement.

At Christian Action, we have many opportunities for tenants to get involved in shaping and improving our services. 

Our aim is to ensure that, as a tenant, your voice is heard and considered in improvements we make to our services and policies.

Your opinions and views are valuable to us, therefore we have various opportunities for you to get involved in. Please see below for more information. 

Community Engagement and Resident Involvement Strategy - April 2024/27


Whilst resident engagement and involvement has always been an important strand of service delivery for social housing providers, this is now, more relevant given the statutory requirement to deliver against new regulatory standards, as set out in the Consumer Standards 2024.

CAHA have always provided engagement and involvement opportunities in past years delivering a significant number activities across our services. This demonstrates a positive commitment to listening to tenants’ views and using this to inform services, providing employment, education and training opportunities and activities to reduce social isolation. Through the year 2022/23, we delivered over 70 different engagement and involvement activities.

Whilst we have delivered such activities, we had already identified the need to have a more formal framework for delivering this vital area of work. This is a view which has since been reinforced with the new Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard. This standard sets expectations for social housing landlords to provide choice, information and communication that is appropriate to the diverse needs of their tenants. It requires a clear approach to complaints and a wide range of opportunities for them to have influence and be involved.

In response to this, CAHA have developed a new Community Engagement and Resident Involvement Strategy, which is aligned to the key purpose set out in our Strategic Plan and our corporate 4C’s values to Connect, Care, Commit and Champion.

To find out what resident engagement and involvement means to our residents, we have co-created the strategy with our residents through a consultation exercise and thank you to all the residents who participated.

 If you would like to have a read of our new Community Engagement and Resident Involvement Strategy, the link is below.

CommunityEngagement&ResidentInvolvementStrategy2024.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Going Forward

We have now developed our action plan based on the feedback received and has been included within the strategy, any further tenant participation will be welcomed.

Please email Sean for ways to get involved.

Celebrating Our Volunteer Residents, Who Are Shaping the Future of the Future of CAHA and Resident Engagement.

Celebrating Our Volunteer Residents, Who Are Shaping the Future of CAHA and Resident Engagement.
Would you like to join them?  Continue reading to find out how
In the heart of our community, is a dedicated group of Residents, who volunteer. They are making a significant impact. These individuals, who selflessly give their time and energy, are the driving force behind our resident engagement initiatives. Their commitment to attending meetings and contributing ideas is helping to shape the future of our community.
The Power of Being a Resident Volunteer
Our resident volunteers are the backbone of our resident engagement efforts. They bring diverse perspectives, innovative ideas, and a passion for making a difference. By attending various meetings, they ensure that the voices of all residents are heard and considered in decision-making processes. Their involvement is crucial in creating a community that is inclusive, responsive, and vibrant.

Key Contributions

  1. Active Participation: Our volunteers actively participate in meetings, providing valuable insights and feedback. Their engagement ensures that the needs and concerns of residents are considered, from the design of our new E-newsletter to the redesign and content of our new look Tenant handbook.
  2. Building Connections: By fostering relationships among residents, volunteers help to build stronger, more connected communities where they reside. Their efforts in supporting and organising events along with activities create opportunities for residents to come together and engage with one another and respect the diversity of their communities.
  3. Advocacy and Support: Volunteers have been advocates for the needs of residents, ensuring that their voices are heard by decision-makers. They provide support and resources to those who need it, to affect change in the way CAHA engages with our residents.
Moving Forward
As we look ahead, we are excited to share several opportunities for you, as residents, to get involved and make a positive impact where you live, and the organisation. Here are some ways you can participate:
  1. Resident Community Events Planning Committee
    • Help organise and plan upcoming community events. This is a great way to develop event management skills and meet new people.
  2. Be part of our Scrutiny and Review panels
    • Join our Scrutiny Panel. Be involved in the interviewing process, policy review and in some cases the implementation of systems to support residents. Being part of either of these panels will ensure residents' voices are heard at a strategic level, also it is a wonderful way to give back and learn new skills.
  3. Workshops and Training Sessions
    • Participate in workshops and training sessions designed to enhance your skills and knowledge in various areas, from gardening to digital literacy.
  4. Estate Champion
    • Contribute to the safety and security of our community by joining the neighbourhood watch program. This initiative helps build a safer environment for everyone.

Opportunities for You to Join

We want to encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to get involved. Your participation not only benefits the community where you live but also provides you with a chance to grow personally and professionally.
If you are interested in any of these activities or have ideas for new initiatives, please reach out to us via the Tenant Portal, email us at info@christianaction.org.uk or call us on 01992 650 700.

Thank you once again for your continued support and dedication. Together, we can achieve great things and create a thriving Christian Action community.