Safeguarding Adults at Risk and Children
Safeguarding Adults at Risk and Children is everyone’s responsibility. If you are aware of a vulnerable adult or child that is suffering abuse you have legal duty to report it.
Protecting adults at risk is a key priority for Christian Action Housing Association (Christian Action). We are part of the London Partnership working together to safeguard adults at risk.
We operate a zero tolerance policy to any form of abuse, bullying or harassment. We are committed to London’s Child Protection Protocols and have agreed to follow these protocols.
The London Child Protection procedure requires that:
"London’s children should be able to grow up in circumstances where they are safe and supported, so that they can achieve the optimal outcomes through childhood, their teenage years and into adulthood"
If you have any concerns regarding an adult at risk or a child you should contact the relevant number from the following:
Waltham Forest Safeguarding Adults: 02084963000
Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children : 02084962310
Barnet Safeguard Adults/Children: 02083594066
Barnet Safeguarding out of hours: 02083592000
Enfield Safeguarding Adults: 02083792707
Enfield Safeguarding Children: 02083792767
Haringey Safeguarding Adults: 02084891400
Haringey Safeguarding Children: 02084894470