Our July Tenant Audit Day | News

Our July Tenant Audit Day

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On the 18th of July, 32 team members of Christian Action Housing joined forces to go out into the community in Enfield to ‘check in’ on our tenants.

tenant audit chart of findings

10 tenants called upon family members to help translate. Christian Action will be looking at ways to provide a service without any barriers.

We potentially exposed a ‘sublet.’ Just a reminder, our tenants are not allowed to sublet the whole of your property, i.e. move out and let someone else live there.

This will be regarded as a breach of tenancy and legal action taken. You are allowed they are allowed lodgers if you are lucky enough to have additional rooms, but do need to let us know who is living in the property.

The top 5 maintenance issues were as follows;

tenant audit day maintenance issues

Please continue to use the tenant portal to log and view your repairs, link here to portal log-in — https://myhome.christianaction.org.uk/auth/login?r=dashboard

We have also;

  • Amended incorrect details
  • Added anything we were missing i.e. personal details, ethnicity, religion etc.

  Please let us know if you have had a change in circumstances and want to update us.

So what's next?

Our Housing Officers, Maryam Martins and Rianne Benjamin will continue to visit you with our Tenancy Audit forms.

  This will help us ensure we have the most up to date information about who is living in our communities and what you require from us.

  Any tenant that had a visit will receive a follow up call by the end of September from their Housing Officer to check how things are.

  Days like this are really important for Christian Action, we currently have 1386 general needs homes and while the 61 homes is a fabulous start we want to ensure our tenants all have an opportunity to access our services and colleagues. With this in mind, we will plan another Tenancy Audit Day for October.

Please let us know if you would like a visit from your Housing Officer before October, link here to form to complete — https://www.christianaction.org.uk/general-enquiries 

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