garden area untouched by the young people

On Thursday 15th August, we saw a successful turnout of residents, staff and contractors who all came out to lend a hand with the gardening project and BBQ at Enfield Foyer. Before the event, staff and residents spent a considerable amount of time preparing the garden for new soil/compost mix to be laid, in anticipation of planting of the Red Robbin hedges. Residents and staff went shopping for food to ensure all volunteers were fed on the day, and flowers to add colour and a sense of happiness to their garden.

So many people donated their time, energy, materials, and money before the event as well as on the day. We are so grateful, as a service, for all of the help and donations received. We were impressed by the hands-on approach of NES, KBH, members of the staff teams across all of CAHA and residents from our Independent Living Service Paul Court. Without everyone’s contributions and hard work, the garden would not look the way it does today. The project is by no means complete and KBH is going to continue supporting us to get there.

  KBH staff preparing final top soil garden near the path not been touched garden area untouched by the young people

Most importantly we need to shine the light on our Young People who are always on board with ideas, and the hands-on energy and enthusiasm that continually impresses us daily. We have been collaborating with them from the initial planning of the project to bring them an outside space that they can enjoy and use to its full potential. We also want to give a ‘shout-out’ to the resident from Andrew House who volunteered his time and energy on the day too! We hope all the Young People are as proud of themselves as we are because they certainly should be. The space will give everyone a chance to spend more time outside in the fresh air. We also aim to hold workshops in this space, from painting to yoga, and of course picnics. 

The BBQ food went down well, as did the cakes that our Residents made. There were many smiling faces by the end of the event, and everyone made a tremendous effort to mingle and chat with one another. It was a heartwarming experience to see such a happy and relaxed community event take place at Enfield Foyer; between CAHA staff, the contractors that we work in partnership with and the CAHA residents of all ages. All the planning, time and effort were well worth it and special thanks to all for making the event a success!

 young people getting their hands on with gardening young people flower box finished finally planting a box.jpg    


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